Danzante de la pluma | Dancer of the Feather

43 foot fiber glass and metal sculpture

Abstract painting on headdress
13 ft. x 9.5 ft.
Permanent installation at Cerro del Yavego, Zimatlán de Alvarez, Oaxaca, Mexico.



Allá, en la época prehispánica se fusionaron dos grandes culturas en el estado de Oaxaca: la cultura MIXTECA Y ZAPOTECA.

Los dramas rituales representados por los Mixtecos a su Dios del Baile  “Yya yaasitasaha” y las danzas de pluma de los zapotecos, dieron origen a una danza dramatica-ritual con la que honraban a Centéotl, Diosa del Maíz. La Danza de Pluma (danza-drama) de carácter épico, ritual y doctrinal, relata a través de su baile, el proceso paso apaso de la conquista de México por los españoles.

Esta danza esta representada por dos bandos, uno por Hernan Cortés y la Malitzi (Malinche ), el otro por Moctezuma y Cihuapilli.  Este baile es uno de los más importantes de México y la máxima joya en la fiesta de la Guelaguetza del estado de Oaxaca.

 Guelaguetza en zapoteco significa ofrenda, ayuda, hermandad y colorido, es la celebración más importante de este estado, en donde aún se festeja a la Diosa Centéotl (Diosa del Maíz) y Xilonen (Diosa del Elote o Maíz tierno), y es en donde se lleva acabo la reunión espiritual de costumbres y se revive el significado de los rituales indígenas del pasado, destacando el folklore, la gastronomía, las ropas típicas y danzas de nuestras siete regiones conmemorando a la misma vez el significado de la ayuda mutua.

The Dancer (Dance of the Feather)

During the pre-Hispanic era, two influential civilizations merged in the state of Oaxaca: the Mixtecs and the Zapotecs. The ritual dramas represented by the Mixtecs to their God of the Dance, “Yya yaasitasaha” and the “dances of the feather” of the Zapotecs, gave rise to a dramatic dance ritual in which they honored “Centéotl”, the goddess of the corn.

 The Dance of the Feather, a drama centered in dance, epic and doctrinal is nature, is meant to take its spectator through a step-by-step process of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards.

 The dance also stars and focuses its attention on two strong couples at the time, Hernan Cortez and “Malitzi”, also known as Malinche, and Moctezuma and Cihuapilli. The Dance of the Feather is one of the most important in Mexico and is the greatest jewel in the festival of the Guelaguetza, one of the biggest annual cultural events in the state of Oaxaca.

 Guelaguetza in Zapotec means offering, help, brotherhood, and color. During this most important celebration in Oaxaca, the customs and indigenous rituals are brought back to life through regional folklore, gastronomy, clothing, and dances of the seven regions of the state. This festival signifyies their unity and mutual aid. It honors and glorifies the goddesses of corn “Centeotl” and “Xilomen”(Goddess of the ears of corn), they are still the protagonists of the celebration as they were of high importance to the Mixtec and Zapotec cultures.

Sacred Art

Paintings by Commission by GBR Foundation Inc.

Mr. Geronimo Berenger de los Reyes, Owner
104 Rada Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City 1229, Philippines.
250 pieces currently displayed in his personal collection at the GBR museum and in several churches throughout the Philippines.