Artista | Escultor | Pintor

Artist | SculptoR | Painter


Vladimir Cuevas was born in ZimatlÁn de Álvarez in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1970.

He had a very happy and hyperactive childhood, but his adolescence was tragic and sad because of his father's early schizophrenia. His life was paralyzed in every way and at the age of 19 he was forced to make the difficult decision to leave his medical studies and his home. He traveled to the United States in search of new possibilities to support his family.

He worked as hard as he could and in 1995 he met the painter, sculptor, writer and architect Antonio Huerta, who became his teacher and mentor and it was then that he began his profession as an artist. With his teacher he wrote about a pre- Columbian culture in the magazine comm, a children's story (“Curiosín”) and began to paint in different techniques, which would quickly lead him to the professional realm. Two years after his start in art (1997), he was discovered by Gerónimo Berenguer de los Reyes Jr. (Chairman of the Board of Directors GBR foundation and Museum) in the

Philippines. Mr. Gerónimo and BRG Foundation, commissioned the artist with a piece of artwork for his GBR Museum and they continue to work together. In the year 2007 Mr. De Los Reyes commissioned Vladimir to paint six altarpieces and a piece of artwork for the High Altar for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Kavite, Philippines.

Until this date, the GBR foundation, GBR museum and Mr. Gerónimo's personal collection are the proud owners of more than 300 pieces of artwork by the artist. Among these pieces is sacred art, figurative art, surreal art to abstract art, as well as portraits and family scenes and works of art in different churches in the Philippines.

Since his start, Vladimir has developed a different personality in his pictorial qualities due to the impact of his father's schizophrenia and his mother's suffering, circumstances that have led him to an absolutely personal exploration in his magical and mythological artistic world. And in this manner, he has transformed his sometimes tragic trajectory as well as the melancholy and suffering of indigenous women, into succulent mythologies of colors and textures. His work is th

Due to his origins, he has a wide knowledge of pre-Colombian culture, especially the Zapotec and Mixtec culture. In addition, a fascinating love for legendary traditions, which is strongly reflected in his colossal and magnificent “El Danzante de Pluma (2018),” a 13-meter-high sculpture-painting, considered to be the largest in the state of Oaxaca; made of fiberglass and hand painted by the artist.

Vladimir Cuevas' work has been exhibited in the Philippines, Europe, Mexico, South America and the United States, where he still lives (San Francisco, CA).


Vladimir Cuevas nació en Zimatlán de álvarez Oaxaca, México en 1970.

Tuvo una niñez muy feliz e hiperactiva, mas su adolescencia fue trágica y triste por la temprana esquizofrenia de su padre. Su vida se vio paralizada en todos los sentidos y a la edad de 19 años se vió obligado a tomar la difícil decisión de dejar sus estudios de medicina y su hogar. Viajó a los Estados Unidos en busca de nuevas posibilidades para apoyar a su familia.

Trabajó en lo que pudo y en 1995 conoció al pintor, escultor, escritor y arquitecto Antonio Huerta, quien se convirtió en su maestro y mentor y fue ahí que comenzó su profesión en el arte. Con su maestro escribió sobre cultura precolombina en la revista comm, un cuento para niños (“Curiosín”) y empezó a pintar en diferentes técnicas, que lo llevaría rápidamente al ámbito profesional. A los dos años de su inicio en el arte (1997), fue descubierto por Gerónimo Berenguer de los Reyes Jr. (Director de la Junta Directiva de la fundación y museo GBR) en las Filipinas. El Sr. Gerónimo y la fundación GBR, comisiona al artista con la primera de muchas obras para el museo GBR, iniciando así una fructífera colaboración laboral. En el año 2007 lo comisiona a pintar seis retablos y la obra del Altar mayor para la iglesia Our Lady of Guadalupe en Kavite, Filipinas.

Hasta la fecha GBR Foundation, GBR Museum y la colección personal del Sr. Gerónimo conservan mas de 300 obras del artista, entre las que figuran desde arte sacro, figurativo, surrealista hasta abstracto, además de retratos y escenas familiares como obras para diferentes iglesias en Filipinas.

Desde su inicio, Vladimir desarrolla una personalidad distinta en sus cualidades pictóricas debido al impacto de la esquizofrenia de su padre así como el sufrimiento de su madre causado por adversidades familiares y socioeconómicos. Estos factores lo han llevado a una exploración espiritual profunda y absoluta de su mundo artístico, trasformando su trayectoria personal, frecuentemente marcada por la desdicha, y el calvario melancólico de la mujer indígena y del mundo, en mitologías de colores y texturas mágicas e incomparables.

Su obra es el resultado de su entrenamiento artístico en figura humana, perspectiva curvilínea y poliangular, color, textura, técnica al fresco y los diferentes tipos de materiales y pinturas.

Por sus orígenes, tiene un amplio conocimiento de su cultura precolombina, especialmente la cultura Zapoteca y Mixteca. Además de un fascinante amor por las legendarias tradiciones, la cual se ve fuertemente plasmada en su majestuosa y significativa obra “El Danzante de Pluma (2018), esculto-pintura de 13 metros de altura, considerada la más grande del estado de Oaxaca; hecha de fibra de vidrio y pintada a mano por el artista.

Las obras de Vladimir Cuevas han sido exhibidas en las Filipinas, Europa, México, Sur América y los Estados Unidos, lugar en donde aún radica (San Francisco, CA).

 currículum | REsumé


Professional Experience


Danzante de la Pluma - Dancer of the Feather (2018)
43 foot fiber glass and metal sculpture. Abstract painting on headdress (13 ft. x 9.5 ft.). Permanent installation at Cerro del Yavego, Zimatlán de Alvarez, Oaxaca, Mexico.


Paintings by Commission by GBR Foundation Inc.
Sacred Art (1997-Present)
Mr. Geronimo Berenger de los Reyes, Owner
104 Rada Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City 1229, Philippines.
250 pieces currently displayed in his personal collection at the GBR museum and in several churches throughout the Philippines.


Oil on canvas portraits from photographs. Individual commissions. (2000-Present)


2000 – Present 
Acrylic on wood or canvas. 
Private collections


1995 – Present
Continued studies on dynamic anatomy, human figure, color, texture and polyangular perspective – Antonio Huerta, professor.

Abstract advanced painting classes City College,
San Francisco, CA

Fresco technique – private classes José Galindo
San Francisco, CA

Continued studies
Development of pictorial techniques and research on line and color of Oaxacan folkloric tradition. – Self taught

Studies on general surgery and human anatomy Universidad Autónoma – Benito Juarez
Oaxaca, México

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Selected Exhibitions

The Art & the Cure
2011 - Present
Abstract Exhibit - Cardiology Department Gallery St. Lucas Hospital
San Francisco, California

The Art and the Cure
Monte Albán Exhibit – Cardiology Department Gallery
St. Lucas Hospital
San Francisco, California

Guadalupana Mural (Panel)
Permanent public art exhibit
Leoncio Gonzales Federal Building
Zimatlan de Alvarez, Oaxaca, Mexico

La Virgen Dolorosa Mural
Special commission
Sacred Heart Church
Zimatlán de Alvarez, Oaxaca, Mexico

Mictlantecutli Day of the Dead Exhibit 
Palace of the Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California

Visual Esferic Perspectometry #1 Exhibit
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
San Francisco, California

La Muerte de Turquesa Day of the Dead Exhibit 
Back to the Picture Gallery
San Francisco, California

The Prayer Book – GBR Foundation Inc.
Philippines Special commissions:
・The Resurrection – Oil Painting
・Last Supper – Oil Painting
・Virgin of Guadalupe – Oil Painting

Virgin of Guadalupe and San Juan Diego Murals 
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Cavite, Philippines

Christ, Splendor & Hope Exhibit
St. Mary’s Catedral
San Francisco, California

Perspectometry Visual Esferic #2 Exhibit
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
San Francisco, California

Mis hijos 
Mural on wood, paste and acrylic (8 panels)
Commission – Ms. María Haro
Private collection
San Francisco, California

From the Stone to the Metal Exhibit (El Vuelo de la Imaginación Humana)
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
San Francisco, California

Donahí - International Latino American Art Exhibit
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
San Francisco, California

Virgin of Guadalupe
Dartmouth College – Permanent collection
Hanover, NH

Te Regalo un Jaguar
Polanco Gallery
393 Hayes Street, San Francisco

Guelaguetza Mural
Wood & oil
San Jose Gallery
San Francisco, CA

Dioses en el Cielo Exhibit
Fina Estampa Gallery
Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California

Dioses Prehispánicos Exhibit
Vallarta Gallery
Mission Street, San Francisco

Curiosín y sus Ondas, Cultura Oaxaqueña (Curiosín and his Adventures), 1994
Oaxacan Culture
Illustration & publication of bilingual childrens’ book
San Francisco, California